last week aku COD citer "Crank" ngan sorang bdk lowyat nick Hyperion kat sungai petani.
Excited tu boleh tahan jugak la sebab dok baca review, citer ni ada one of the best image quality dalam blu-ray. anyway, sesampai saja kat rumah, terus tengok citer ni. mmg best. image quality tu mmg superb. dah macam kita sendiri dok dalam tv... hahaha.. crystal clear sound and image. for those yg masih lagi berfikir2 utk citer ni, aku sarankan bli je.. storyline pon best. after that aku terus download Crank High Voltage, sequel kepada Crank yang aku beli ni.

boxart, looks a bit cap ayam even it is original because of the shining2.. LOL

inside the case, a promotional blu-ray's booklet and the disc. this movie only got 1 disc edition where all the special features is put inside the 50GB Blu-Ray disc. yes, it's a DUAL LAYER BLU-RAY!

it fits awkwardly on the rack since the BD case is thinner than PS3 case.LOL.
Excited tu boleh tahan jugak la sebab dok baca review, citer ni ada one of the best image quality dalam blu-ray. anyway, sesampai saja kat rumah, terus tengok citer ni. mmg best. image quality tu mmg superb. dah macam kita sendiri dok dalam tv... hahaha.. crystal clear sound and image. for those yg masih lagi berfikir2 utk citer ni, aku sarankan bli je.. storyline pon best. after that aku terus download Crank High Voltage, sequel kepada Crank yang aku beli ni.

boxart, looks a bit cap ayam even it is original because of the shining2.. LOL

inside the case, a promotional blu-ray's booklet and the disc. this movie only got 1 disc edition where all the special features is put inside the 50GB Blu-Ray disc. yes, it's a DUAL LAYER BLU-RAY!

it fits awkwardly on the rack since the BD case is thinner than PS3 case.LOL.
wuu syok nyer leh tengok bulu rey.. jeles .. hahaha
bli la satu player....
mana pegi Zon Bunuh Dua anda
[IMG][/IMG] crank ni besh..siap ada jenna haze lagi...paling xbley blah time potong siku ngn kerat puting.ekeke
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